apprenticeship & dual
studies programme at hays
Your Gateway
to the working world
You have already graduated from school or you are about to, and you are seeking a profession with a future? Whether it's direct contact with customers, in office management, analytical tasks, creative topics or in the IT field – we involve you from day one and assign responsible tasks to you. This allows you to be actively involved in everyday work from the beginning, and to fully develop your talents. So why not go ahead. Apply now, get to know the Hays spirit, and you too can profit from our benefits.
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Dual courses of study
at hays
- Personnel Services Assistant (m/f/d) or
- Management Assistant for Office Communication (m/f/d)
Your apprenticeship starts with us every year on 1 August. You alternate between vocational school days and working days in your apprenticeship department. While you are learning the necessary theoretical know-how at vocational school, you can put your knowledge into practice in your apprenticeship department and assume your own tasks and projects. Your apprenticeship lasts a total of 3 years – under certain conditions you can shorten it to 2 1/2 years.
Apprenticeship professions
at hays
Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW)
- Bachelor of Arts – Marketing Management with various areas of focus
- Bachelor of Arts – RSW Accounting & Controlling
- Bachelor of Science – Business Informatics with various areas of focus
- Bachelor of Arts – Business Administration Digital Business Management
- Bachelor of Science – Applied Computer Science
Your dual studies start with us every year on 1 September. In the first month, you will complete a pre-study internship with us to become better acquainted with Hays. Your studies will then officially begin on 1 October. The programme alternates between theory and practice every three months. During on-the-job assignments, you will gain exciting and multi-faceted insights into certain areas of the company that are important for your studies. During the theory phases, you will attend the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW) and receive your university degree there. The dual study programme lasts a total of 3 years.
IU International University of Applied Sciences
- Bachelor of Arts - Business Administration HR Management
Your dual study program in cooperation with the IU (International University of Applied Sciences) starts annually on April 1 and October 1 (with a pre-study internship, you can also start your studies on March 1 or September 1). The study program consists of practical and theoretical parts in the form of a split week. You study on two days and can apply what you have learned in practice in our Key Account Management on three days. The dual study program lasts a total of 3.5 years and leads to a Bachelor of Arts degree.
Please note: The range of apprenticeships and dual study programmes at Hays may vary from year to year. Therefore, it may not be possible to offer you the same range of apprenticeships every year and at all locations. Check out our job overview to find out which apprenticeships and dual courses of study are available this year.
IU International University of Applied Sciences
your advantages
with hays
On the Hays internal learning platform, we provide a digital training campus with specific learning content in the form of online training, project groups or classroom training that you need to successfully complete your training.
From the first day and also during your training or studies, a mentor accompanies you and shows you the Hays world. In addition, a mentor from a higher year of training or study is available to answer your questions.
Gaining practical experience is important, but the remuneration is also impressive. And best of all, your salary increases with each year of training or study. Hays also pays the tuition fees. You can find specific information about the salary in the job advertisements.
We are interested in a long-term cooperation with you. Therefore, we offer you a job possibility after successful completion of your training or studies if you perform well.
In addition to our training campus, our trainees receive free access to the online learning platform Dual students have the opportunity to take part in a mathematics preparation course geared towards their studies, if required.
In addition to 30 days' leave in which you can relax, we offer you paid time off for study trips, project work or your Bachelor's thesis so that you can concentrate intensively on your studies.
With us you have very good promotion and career opportunities. We support your personal and professional development through regular and individual appraisal and development meetings.
We offer you a lunch allowance with the Lunchit app. You also get free premium access to the Blinkist learning app.
Through our cooperation with the Corporate Benefits Portal, you have access to numerous benefits in various areas. In addition, we support you with costs incurred in the context of school or university (e.g. for literature).
Would you like to gain experience abroad during your dual study programme? We support you in completing a three-month theory phase at one of the DHBW's partner universities.
Do you have any additional questions?
We'll assist you!
Questions about your application
How long prior to the start of the apprenticeship or dual study programme do I need to apply?
We begin selecting our future apprentices and students for the following year of apprenticeships and studies approximately one year in advance. You will find the current apprenticeship and study openings in our job overview, starting in autumn.
How can I apply?
You are welcome to submit your application to us online – this also has many advantages for you: Your online application lands directly with the right contact person and can be processed quickly. Save on the cost of application and upload your documents with just a few clicks.
Which application documents do I need to send to you?
If you would like to apply for a job with us, we require a cover letter, a complete curriculum vitae and your school reports.
To whom do I address my application?
You may gladly direct your application to Selin Kücük. She is responsible for hiring our apprentices and dual students.
Questions about our recruitment process
What are the opportunities for persons who did not complete their studies?
We do not regard incomplete studies as an obstacle, but rather as a chance to start something new. In the past, we have had good experiences with former students, especially in our apprenticeship programmes.
What does the recruitment process look like?
The recruitment process for our apprenticeship and study positions begins with a phone interview. Based on a positive outcome, we will then invite you either to a personal interview with the respective department or to a recruitment day. In the process, we would like to get to know you better in different tasks and interviews.
Key information on dual studies
Can I choose the university myself in dual study programme?
Unfortunately no. All dual courses of study take place in cooperation with the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW) in Mannheim.
Do I have to pay tuition?
You do not have to pay any tuition. Within the scope of your dual studies, we cover all study costs for the entire duration of your studies. We also support you in purchasing educational materials.
Your questions about our opportunities for permanent employment
What are my chances for permanent employment after my apprenticeship or my dual study programme?
Our aim is to offer you a permanent position at our headquarters in Mannheim or at one of our branch offices after you have completed your apprenticeship or studies. If you are committed and have made a positive impression during the practical phases, your chances are favourable for being subsequently hired in one of the training departments.
If you have any further questions, please contact us via our chat, by e-mail using our contact form or by phone (0800 463 642 97).
Erfahrungsberichte unserer
Studierenden und Auszubildenden
Warum passt dein Arbeitgeber zu dir?
Hays passt als Arbeitgeber zu mir, weil er genau wie ich den gleichen menschlichen Umgang pflegt und dabei ehrlich, offen und respektvoll mit seinen Mitmenschen kommuniziert. Hays ist genauso flexibel wie ich, gerade was remote arbeiten angeht. Das dynamische Umfeld spiegelt uns beide perfekt wider.
Was macht dein Team aus?
Wir vertrauen einander sehr und kommunizieren transparent miteinander. Wir haben einen wahnsinnigen Zusammenhalt und stehen immer füreinander ein.
Beschreibe Hays als Arbeitgeber in 3 Worten:
Dynamisch, wertschätzend, menschlich.
Wie sieht dein typischer Arbeitsalltag aus?
In Absprache mit meinem Team recherchiere ich nach passenden Kandidatinnen und Kandidaten für die offenen Positionen bei unseren Kundenunternehmen. Anschließend telefoniere ich mit ihnen, um abschätzen zu können ob der- oder diejenige zur Vakanz passt. Zwischenzeitlich habe ich auch mit der Akquise begonnen und baue mir hier mein eigenes Kundennetzwerk auf.
Was schätzt du an Hays am meisten?
Ich habe das Gefühl, dass es Hays wichtig ist, wie sich die Mitarbeitenden fühlen und was sie denken. Man hat durch die flachen Hierarchien das Gefühl, dass man gehört wird.
Beschreibe Hays als Arbeitgeber in 3 Worten:
Modern, mitarbeiterorientiert, innovativ.
Was schätzt du an Hays am meisten?
Das Vertrauen, das jedem einzelnen Mitarbeitenden entgegengebracht wird. Man ist von Tag 1 ein vollwertiges Teammitglied und wird optimal eingearbeitet und eingebunden.
Warum hast du dich für dieses Studium entschieden?
Ich stehe hinter der Dienstleistung, die wir anbieten und finde, dass sie einen echten Mehrwert bringt. Für mich ist es wichtig, dass man hinter dem steht, was man tut.
Beschreibe Hays als Arbeitgeber in 3 Worten:
Vertrauensvoll, wertschätzend, ehrgeizig.
Was ist das Tolle an deinem Job?
Der Umgang mit den Menschen und dass ich diesen durch unsere Dienstleistung helfen kann und dafür Wertschätzung und Dankbarkeit entgegengebracht bekomme.
Warum hast du dich für diese Ausbildung entschieden?
Weil die Ausbildung so umfangreich war und ich die Chance hatte, viele unterschiedliche Aufgabenbereiche kennenzulernen. Ich konnte von Anfang an Verantwortung übernehmen und sehr selbstständig arbeiten.
Beschreibe Hays als Arbeitgeber in 3 Worten:
Flexibel, hilfsbereit, abwechslungsreich.