A colorful bouquet of interesting presentations, activities and impulses
Around this year's German Diversity Day on May 31 2022, a Diversity Week also took place at Hays. Like last year, we are celebrating not just one day, but a whole week. And as a member of the organizer “Charta der Vielfalt”, we were right in the middle of it instead of just being there. Because Diversity & Inclusion is not a topic for marginalized groups, but affects each and every one of us: "Inclusion starts with I!" This is also reflected in our diversity video, whose premiere was one of the highlights of the week. In the video, our employees show how colorful and diverse Hays is. Curious now? Then take a look here.
For Diversity Week, our Diversity & Inclusion team put together a colorful program with exciting topics and renowned guests, where our employees were able to gain valuable impulses. For example, interesting keynotes were held on the topic of "Diversity Recruiting" or "Generation Management". Here, the question was answered as to what diversity actually has to do with the lack of specialists or why one should give a damn about age. There was also a workshop on the topic "Where do you actually come from? - When words exclude". In an interactive exchange with the focus group "Cultural Diversity", impulses for self-reflection were given and recommendations for action were offered. Finally, our cooperation partner myAbility offered a training on DisAbility Awareness. Did you know that 80 million people in Europe have a disability? No? Many of us didn't either. During the awareness training with experts, an exciting change of perspective took place and ensured that unconscious barriers were made visible.