Employer study 2020: Hays is one of the best employers for women
Hays is thus one of the 182 best employers for women in Germany
This is the third time that BRIGITTE has joined forces with the human resources marketing professionals at TERRITORY Embrace to find the best employer for women. Nationwide, companies were invited to participate in the large BRIGITTE employer study. A total of 257 companies responded to this call and took part in the study - including Hays. Compared to the previous year, around 50 percent more companies took part in the study, which once again shows how important the topic is to companies even in times of crisis.
With 4 out of 5 possible stars, Hays is one of the 182 best employers for women in Germany and thus plays in a league with Beiersdorf, Henkel, ING-DiBa, Datev, Gruner + Jahr and Nestlé.
The study evaluated the commitment of the participating companies in four areas that are important for equal opportunities for women. These include the
- compatibility of work and family (Hays result: 3 out of 5 points)
- flexibility of work (4 out of 5 points)
- measures to promote careers (4 out of 5 points) and
- importance of transparency and equality in the company (5 out of 5 points).
The percentage of women in management positions and the self-imposed quotas for women in the companies are also included in the score (2 out of 5 points).
The comprehensive questionnaire, which had to be filled out by the participating companies, was co-developed by five renowned female experts, who also form the advisory board of the BRIGITTE Employer Study 2020. These include the supervisory board member and consultant Janina Kugel, the economist Katharina Wrohlich from the German Institute for Economic Research, the fair-pay expert Henrike von Platen, Ana-Cristina Grohnert from the employer initiative "Charter of Diversity" and Susanne Hüsemann, managing director of Queb, the Federal Association for Employer Branding, Personnel Marketing and Recruiting.
An overview of the 182 companies that were able to achieve a top rating of four or five stars as well as further results and information on the study can be found in the current issue of BRIGITTE (21/2020) and here.