Hays Learning Center goes digital
Remote onboarding through our fully digitized onboarding and training portfolio
After months of conception and implementation work by our colleagues in personnel development, long before Corona, we have completely digitalized our onboarding and training portfolio. The onboarding process includes many virtual elements, which has been very helpful, especially in recent months. We can now also conduct the face-to-face events planned in the first few weeks in a virtual environment.
The various training modules take place via Skype as live training, webinars or as supplementary web-based training. In addition, Q&A sessions and social learning are offered and learning materials are provided for self-study. The registration for the training units can be done by the employees themselves and the individual learning progress can also be tracked. With various remote elements, such as conducting video interviews via Skype, we are able to depict the current reality of everyday work well, since our customers often work remotely as well and our business also works very well via telephone, Internet and social media.
In virtual meetings, colleagues are introduced and togetherness is encouraged. This works very well, even though the personal exchange is of course very important, especially for new colleagues. With our back-to-office concept, we have therefore created the possibility to make daily team appointments in the branch offices possible while observing the applicable distance and hygiene regulations.
The necessary hardware to work remotely is sent to our new starters before the start or on the first working day at the reception in the respective branch office.