Hays signs Charter of Diversity
Signatories are committed to diversity in the world of work and a working environment free of prejudice
As early as November 2019, Hays signed the Charter of Diversity, an employer initiative to promote diversity in companies and institutions. In doing so, we commit ourselves to creating a working environment that is free of prejudice. Now that Minister of State Annette Widmann-Mauz, the Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration, has countersigned the charter, we can now count ourselves among the largest network for diversity management in Germany, to which over 3,400 organizations with a total of 13.3 million employees belong. They all share the goal of promoting diversity, tolerance, fairness and appreciation in the world of work.
"By signing up to the network, we are sending a clear signal both internally and externally: We advocate an appreciative, unprejudiced working environment in which employees are judged on their performance - and not on their age, gender and gender identity, ethnic origin and nationality, religion and belief, sexual orientation and identity or physical abilities," explains Head of Diversity & Inclusion Michaela Jaap.
The Diversity Charter was launched in 2006 at the Federal Chancellery at the instigation of Deutsche Bank, Daimler, Deutsche Telekom and Deutsche BP. Since 2010, the non-profit association Charta der Vielfalt e.V. has been the sponsor of the initiative, which is under the patronage of the German Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel.