Current information on the application process in times of Corona
Here you can find more information about the current selection process.
At the moment the world works a bit differently than usual and nobody knows exactly for how long. Nevertheless, we are still very interested in getting to know applicants in order to attract new colleagues to Hays in the future.
Since the health of our employees and applicants is our top priority and we want to deal with it responsibly, we have adapted our application process accordingly and switched to virtual recruiting: In addition to a telephone interview as a first step, we now offer job interviews via Skype. You will receive further information from your recruiter during your application process.
Even if we are not able to give you a concrete date of employment at the moment, you are still welcome to apply for the advertised positions in our job board or send us an unsolicited application.
If you have any questions regarding your application or the possibilities of joining us, you can still contact us as usual by phone (0800 463 642 97), mail or our chat.
We look forward to receiving your application and getting to know you!

Even in times of closed kindergartens and schools, the selection processes at Hays are carried out digitally by experienced recruiters in the home office - as usual, in advance with a telephone interview and in the next step via Skype interview.